Unlocking Self-Love: How Your Thoughts Shape Your Beauty and Well-being


I’ve been absolutely fascinated by the mind/body connection for years now.

My mind began to expand when I stumbled across the great works of the late Louise Hay many years ago, and began to increase further when I delved deeper in to my yoga and meditation practice.

If you’ve never heard of Louise Hay, she was an author, professional speaker and founded Hay House Publishing.

She was diagnosed with incurable cancer in 1977, which she self cured and attributed to her childhood trauma and abuse and her subconscious thought patterns following.

She went on to live healthily until the age of 90 and her book, You Can Heal Your Life, is a best seller to this day, along with her audio affirmations and meditations.

Mind and Body: A Unified System

The ancient yogis have known for thousands of years that the mind and body are one and that we can’t impact one, without impacting the other and I truly think modern day science is beginning to catch up.

We see in the personal development world people witnessing the powerful effects of adopting positive affirmations and self talk.

The Power of Positive Emotions

We all know when we’re excited about life, or we’re falling in love with someone or something, we look different. More youthful. Wrinkles diminish and we glow.

What is that?

What’s happening?

Life force is literally running through us.

Unlocking Inner Love

The energy of love is fueling our body with all those lovely love hormones, such as oxytocin.

But do we need outside circumstances to unleash it?

Can this feeling be something that’s cultivated within?

My yoga guru taught me something interesting, he said.

“When you feel amazing, when you’re in love, it’s not the other person making you feel that, it’s you. It’s all you - they simply unlocked what was already right there inside of you”.

Isn’t that amazing that you carry all that power and potential.

It’s you that’s making you feel like those feeling and you have the ability to access that whenever you like, starting with the most important love of all

The love you have for yourself

I always thought I’d become a pretty positive person, until I was on holiday last year.

I realised I was really good at seeing the beauty in others, or the postive and silver linings when events don’t go as planned!

I could reflect. What is this trying to teach me? But I’d never taken the time to listen to how I was viewing or speaking about myself!

I discovered there was a real lack of self love that I’d never took the time to notice before.

Let’s start with the physical

I made my way through every part of my body, from my hair, to the physical features on my face, all the way down to my toes, realising I’d berated every part of my body for most of my life.

  • My hair - Too fine, too thin

  • My eyes - Too wrinkly

  • My nose - Can sometimes look too wide

  • My chin - Always criticised it and the dimple

The list went on!

Although I liked my feet, I love that they’re small and how the toes go down in perfect order.

Society’s Influence on Self-Love

I’m not sure if it’s also society that tries to brainwash us in to believing that if you love yourself you’re considered full of yourself or arrogant. It’s as though they don’t really want us to realise our full power or potential

Needless to say, it a big eye opener!

Breaking the Cycle of Negative Self-Talk

I began to notice the loop of thoughts. How often we glance at a part of our body and instantly criticise it?

How often do we critique a picture we instantly take, or opt straight for a filter?

I do think the ageing process really amplifies this incessant self criticism and being aware of it is the first step.

The Inner Critic. Beyond Appearance

But does it stop with the appearance?

How often do we tell ourselves we’re not doing enough!

We didn’t do it perfect enough!

We’re not successful enough!

Not a perfect mum, or wife!

Beat ourselves up for past mistakes!

Would you speak to your precious child, animal or best friend this way and expect them not to feel hurt or down?

I’m guessing no, so why do we do it to ourselves.

If you don’t believe there’s a correlation, I encourage you to have a look at some experiments that were conducted.

A famous one is the Rice Experiment by Dr Emoto.

This has been replicated many times with things such as seeds and flowers.

Steps to Cultivate Self-Love

So what steps can we take?

We can reverse engineer our thinking process by choosing different thoughts.

I did this on holiday during my morning swim. I started at the top of my head and found something positive that I liked about each body part.

  • My eyes - The rare colour of green, the ability to see beauty

  • My nose - The ability to smell a beautiful flower, perfum or a gorgeous meal

  • My hands - The ability to touch and feel

The list went on…

It takes practice, and you may only want to start with 1-2 physical areas.

Practices for Daily Self-Love

We can remind ourselves that we’re human. Doing the best we can with the resources we have and that we are special just as we are, to be here living and breathing.

We can journal at the end of a day and pick one thing we did that was an act of self love, something we’re proud of ourselves for.

We can begin to fall in love with ourselves and embark on the greatest love story ever.

Daily Affirmation

We can repeat this daily affirmation

I love myself

Instructing our subconscious mind that we will act and make decisions that align with this love and not tolerate anything less than.

I highly recommend the book

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It.

Author Kamal Ravikant

🎥 Watch the short video below:


Embracing the Power Within

As you embrace this journey, remember that self-love isn’t a destination but a continuous practice—a commitment to yourself.

Each time you choose to speak kindly to yourself, to see the beauty in your reflection, or to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, you are nourishing the connection between your mind and body.

The power to shape your reality, to radiate health, happiness, and beauty, lies within you. So, start today, with one positive thought, one loving affirmation, and watch as your world transforms.

Here’s to the beginning of your greatest love story—one with yourself 💖

Lots of Love,


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